Have you noticed that all my blog titles so far have an exclamation point in them? I guess I am a little overly enthusiastic about this whole thing.
I have another vlog for you today! This one is about the stupendously exciting phenomenon scheduled to occur tomorrow. What is this thrilling event? I'll give you a hint: it's what happens when one selects 120 American teenagers, allows them to bond for a weekend (well selecting 65 to receive scholarships) then sends them home to grow closer while waiting somewhat impatiently to hear the results. Then, one informs the 65 finalists of their status and brings them together for a packed few days in DC to learn about exchange protocol and other topics. You may imagine that these teenagers are a little excited to see each other again. Well, we are. That is the topic of this video!
Look, I can put an actual video on my blog! Aren't I all tech savvy and stuff?
Taking after your OMA on traveling and on being all techie. :-)